Conference programme
9:00am - 09:15am // Arrival, Registration
9:15am - 09:30am // Welcome
09:30am - 10:00am // Sotaro Kita - "Gesture, language and thought"
10:00am - 10:30am // Mingyuan Chu - "Decoding indirect messages from non-verbal behaviours in face-to-face communication"
10:30am - 10:45am // Reyhan Furman - "Children's use of depiction in autobiographical and fictional narratives"
10:45am - 11:15am // Coffee break
11:15am - 11:45am // Jennifer Cook - "From movement kinematics to social cognition in autism spectrum condition"
11:45am - 12:15pm // Ellen Poliakoff - "Co-speech gestures depicting actions are affected by changes to the motor system in Parkinson’s"
12:15pm - 12:30pm // Emma Gowen - "Instructions to attend to an observed action improves imitation in autistic adults"
12:30pm - 13:30pm // Lunch and poster session
13:30pm - 14:00pm // Matthew Longo - "Distorted body representations in healthy adults"
14:00pm - 14:15pm // Sam Keenaghan - "Alice in Wonderland: The effect of visuomotor synchrony and body size on children's bodily awareness and perception"
14:15pm - 14:30pm // Anna Sedda - "Talking with the body: Body representation in British Sign Language users" (cancelled)
14:30pm - 15:00pm // Francis McGlone - "The emergence of self: The neurobiology of gentle touch from lowly worm to social man"
15:00pm - 15:30pm // Coffee break
15:30pm - 16:00pm // Klaus Kessler - "Using Magnetoencephalography, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, and Virtual Reality to investigate the embodied basis of high-level social and spatial cognition"
16:00pm - 16:15pm // Rogert Newport - "Atypical binding of sensory information related to the body in people with clinical and subclinical traits of autism as revealed by four modified own-body illusions"
16:15pm - 16:30pm // Patrick Falk - "Exploring social signals - Multimodal data capture & Wavelet analysis"
16:30pm - 16:45pm // Sophie Sowden - "The role of movement kinematics in facial emotion expression"
16:45pm - 17:00pm // Concluding remarks
17:00pm - 17:45pm // Wine reception
17:45pm - ... // Dinner and drinks at a local pub (optional)